Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Mountain and the Sea

by Sheetal Bharadwaj

She kept glancing at the Mountain and the Sea, each time more menacingly than before. “Why did you do it,” she whispered as she began to sob. It had been two years since. She knelt down and began to cry, remembering the great times she had before the fateful day.

Ever since she was small, Dominique was extremely fond of the sea. Whenever she got the time, she would go to the beach. The more she stared at the waves, the further away she would drift from reality, into her dreamland. She was under a spell, a magnetic spell. Usually she would be home before six. One day she stayed there until the cows came home. She didn’t care if the wind was blowing. Her parents were worried sick and searching all over the village. She didn’t even flinch when her mother hugged her, after finally finding her in the beach. “I wish I could always be with you oh, Sea,” she said smilingly. She reluctantly turned her head away from the sea and focused her hazy eyes on her mother and smiled.

The Sea and the Mountain were the best of friends and they both knew about Dominique. The Sea provided the water for the village and the Mountain provided food. Since they were both wonderful and selflessly helping people, they were bestowed with the ability to talk. However they had made a promise that they would never let anyone know about it.

One day, when Dominique was sitting at the beach, the Mountain overheard her talking to the Sea. “Oh Sea, how come the fishes get to be with you and I don’t?” The sea was beside herself with joy to know that Dominique preferred ‘Her’ to the Mountain. She said, “Why don’t you join me?” Upon hearing this, Dominique cried out in astonishment. She shook her head and returned back home with shock written all over her face.

Seeing this, the mighty Mountain was filled with rage. He bellowed, “Sea!! How could you do this? I thought you were my friend. You…! Are you thick in the head? You are so weak; you cannot even contain your excitement when someone praises you!”

That set the Sea on fire. She screamed. “Weak? How dare you call me weak? You are just jealous of me! You are nothing without my water. I am the raging mighty sea. I can break anything that comes in my way. It will tumble down into my waters!”

The Mountain retorted and said “If you think you are so tough then try and break me. Come on! What are you waiting for? ”

The Sea was trembling with rage and without hesitation she made a big wave which crashed down at the side of the mountain. However, this was not enough to break the strong mountain. The Mountain laughed at the pathetic attempt. This made the Sea angrier and she tried again. She tried hard and accumulated as much water as she could and sent it crashing against the mountain. On this attempt, the mountain cried out in pain, as a part of it came crashing down. The fight between the Sea and the Mountain had washed away Dominique’s village. The raving waters of the sea and the falling rocks of the mountain had killed all the people in the village.

Fortunately, Dominique had gone to town to get some things. But her parents were unfortunate to be home. When Dominique returned home, she looked around in horror. ‘What happened?’ she exclaimed. She dropped the things in hand and ran from pillar to post, searching for any clue of what might have happened. To her dismay, she did not find anything but wet sand and clumps of rock. At once she knew what had happened.

She stared at the Sea and the Mountain, her eyes full of sadness and anger. The very source of her happiness, which had been a soothing hand all these years, had suddenly become the reason for her extreme sorrow. There was nothing she could do now “May be time will heal my wounds” She thought.
After two years she returned to the same beach hopping to feel forgiveness in her heart, but instead, all she found was anger and more hatred boiling up inside her. She stared at them both and said ‘I cannot take this anymore. This distrust and hatred is like a slow poison in my heart, poisoning every relationship of my life. I’m going to end it once and for all. You two are the cause of my death.’ Uttering these final words she jumped into the sea and closed her eyes for the last time.
The mountain and the Sea were still there, but they could no longer talk. The guilt of what they had done had made them numb and senseless forever.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In Life, Happiness should not be with reference to objects.
Mind has different moods, one should not get agitated in any circumstances.

Everyone has a mind & each mind is unique.

Thoughts are like waves, always on the move

Happiness is a CHOICE !